150 System Log
logging buffered wrap
Use no logging buffered to disable logging to the in-memory log.
Default disabled; critical
Mode Global Config
logging buffered wrap
This command enables wrapping of in-memory logging when full capacity is reached.
Otherwise when full capacity is reached, logging stops.
Syntax logging buffered wrap
Use no logging buffered wrap to disable wrapping of in-memory logging and to
configure logging to stop when full capacity is reached.
Default wrap
Mode Privileged Exec
logging cli-command
This command enables logging to the System Log of all Command Line Interface (CLI)
commands issued on the system.
Syntax [no] logging cli-command
Default enabled
Mode Privileged Exec
Commands logging buffered wrap Enables wrapping of in-memory logging when full capacity
is reached.
logging cli-command Enables logging to the System Log of all Command Line
Interface (CLI) commands issued on the system.
logging console Enables logging of System log messages to the console.
logging host Configures mirroring of System log messages to a syslog
show logging buffered Displays buffered logging (the System log).