4.Set Automatic Extension Privacy (#304) for extension X to Assigned.
5.Make sure extension X is not assigned as a Call Waiting (#316) extension,
Pickup Group Extension (#501), Calling Group Extension (#502), Night Service Group Extension (#504), or Hunt Group Extension (#505).
6.Set the auto answer feature of the modem to Off.
Send and Receive Modem
If you need to place and receive calls with the modem, use the setup shown in Figure
Line A
Figure 4-10. Send and Receive Modem
To Use
Calls on the modem line (line A) ring only at extension X. Also, line A is the last line selected by all other extensions, so the modem line is unavailable for the modem only when all other lines in the system are being used.
To Program
1 . If extension X is a key extension, use Line Assignment (#301) to assign one or more lines to extension X (including line A).
If extension X is a pooled extension, use Pool Line Assignment (#207) to remove line A from all pools. Then use Pool Extension Assignment (#314) to assign pools to extension X. Also use Line Assignment (#301) to assign line A and any other individual lines to extension X.
2 . For extension X, set Automatic Line Selection to select pools and outside lines first (line A selected last).
For all other extensions, set Automatic Line Selection so that line A is the last line in the select sequence. That way, the modem line is used for outgoing voice calls only when all other lines are busy.
3 . Set Line Ringing for line A at extension X to Immediate Ring. Set all other lines or pools assigned to extension X to No Ring. (For all other extensions, set line A to No Ring.)
Using Auxiliary Equipment