196 | Chapter 11. CoS Queuing
ProSafe M4100 and M7100 Managed Switches
c. Under Interface Queue Configuration, scroll down and select the interface 1/0/2
check box.
Now 1/0/2 appears in the Interface field at the top.
d. Enter the following information:
In the Minimum Bandwidth field, enter 15.
In the Scheduler Type list, select Weighted.
e. Click Apply to save the settings.
2. For interface 1/0/2, set the minimum bandwidth 25 for queue 1, and set the scheduler type
to strict.
a. Select QoS > CoS > Advanced > Interface Queue Configuration.
A screen similar to the following displays.
b. In the Queue ID list, select 1.
c. Under Interface Queue Configuration, scroll down and select the interface 1/0/2
check box.
Now 1/0/2 appears in the Interface field at the top.
d. Enter the following information:
In the Minimum Bandwidth field, enter 25.
In the Scheduler Type list, select Strict.
e. Click Apply to save the settings.
Set CoS Trust Mode for an Interface
The example is shown as CLI commands and as a Web interface procedure.