426 | Chapter 27. IPv6 Interface Configuration
ProSafe M4100 and M7100 Managed Switches
CLI: Configure the IPv6 Network Interface
(Netgear Switch) #network ipv6 enable
(Netgear Switch) #network ipv6 address 2001:1::1/64
(Netgear Switch) #network ipv6 gateway 2001:1::2
(Netgear Switch) #show network
Interface Status............................... Always Up
IP Address.....................................
Subnet Mask....................................
Default Gateway................................
IPv6 Administrative Mode....................... Enabled
IPv6 Prefix is ................................ FE80::2FF:F9FF:FE70:485/64
IPv6 Prefix is ................................ 2001:1::1/64
IPv6 Default Router............................ 2001:1::2
Burned In MAC Address.......................... 00:FF:F9:70:04:85
Locally Administered MAC address............... 00:00:00:00:00:00
MAC Address Type............................... Burned In
Configured IPv4 Protocol....................... None
Configured IPv6 Protocol....................... None
IPv6 AutoConfig Mode........................... Disabled
Management VLAN ID.............................1
Web Interface: Configure the IPv6 Network Interface
1. Add an IPv6 address to the network interface.
a. Select System > Management > Network Interface > IPv6 Network Configuration.
A screen similar to the following displays.
b. For Admin Mode, select the Enable radio button.
c. In the IPv6 Prefix/Prefix Length field, enter 2001:1::1/64.
d. In the EUI64 field, select False.
e. Click Add.