3.11.2 Voicemail Pro Administrators

By clicking on Voicemail Pro Administrators in the left-hand pane, you can view all the existing accounts and their current status.

You can also use the Voicemail Pro Client remotely from another PC. However in order for it to connect remotely to the Voicemail Pro server you will need to log in using the name and password of a Voicemail Pro client user account. By default, the Voicemail Pro server does not have any user accounts defined and so cannot be accessed remotely.

The process below is used to create a Voicemail Pro user account. There are two types of account, a standard client user and administrator users. The key difference is that administrator users are able to setup other user accounts and change user account details.

To add a Voicemail Pro Client User Account

1.In the left hand navigation pane, select Voicemail Pro Administrators. The name, type and status of any existing Voicemail Pro client administrators are displayed in the right hand pane.

2.Right-click on the right hand pane and select Add.

3.Enter the details for the new Voicemail Pro client user:

User Name

Enter a unique name for the Voicemail Pro client user account. The name must be at least 5 characters long and must not contain spaces or any of the following characters: \ / : * ? < > , ;.

New Password / Confirm Password

Enter and confirm the password for the account. The password must be at least 5 characters long and must not contain spaces or any of the following characters: \ / : * ? < > , ;.


Select the type of account:

Basic (Voicemail Pro 6.0+)

A basic account user can view most of the voicemail settings but can only edit alarms.


A standard account can perform administration of call flows using the Voicemail Pro Client. A standard administrator can change their own password but cannot add, remove or modify other accounts.


An administrator account can administer all settings including other Voicemail Pro client account settings.


By default new users are created as Inactive. Their status changes to Active when they connect to a Voicemail Pro server.

4.Click OK.

5.Click Save and Make Live to save the changes. The user created can now log into the Voicemail Pro Client Server, for more information, see Logging in to the Voicemail Pro Server 120 .

If an administrator tries unsuccessfully to log in to the Voicemail Pro Client 3 times consecutively, their account is locked and cannot be used for an hour. As an administrator you can release a locked account by changing its Status back to Inactive.

Voicemail Pro Installation and Maintenance

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IP Office Release 6

15-601063 Issue 22e (16 May 2010)

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Image 136
Avaya 6 manual Voicemail Pro Administrators, To add a Voicemail Pro Client User Account