2.3.3 Upgrade to Voicemail Pro

You can upgrade from Voicemail Lite to Voicemail Pro. The process described here assumes that Voicemail Pro is being installed onto the same PC that previously hosted Voicemail Lite. The steps described here will remove Voicemail Lite but will not remove the existing mailbox messages and greetings.

To upgrade from Voicemail Lite to Voicemail Pro:

1.Remove Voicemail Lite

1.Make sure that Voicemail Lite is not running. It might be necessary to close the Voicemail Lite server program.

2.Open the Windows Control Panel and select Add/Remove Programs.

3.Select IP Office Admin Suite and click Change. The Welcome to the Installshield Wizard for IP Office Admin Suite window opens.

4.Click Next. The Program Maintenance window opens.

5.Select Modify and click Next.

6.In the list of selected Features, click the option Voicemail Lite and select This feature will not be available. The

feature Voicemail Lite will have a red cross by the name. .

Important - Do not uncheck any other boxes as this will also remove those features.

7.Click Next. The Ready to Modify the Program window opens.

8.Click Install. The Voicemail Lite program will be removed, which may take several minutes.

9. Click Finish to exit the InstallShield Wizard.

10.Click Close to close the Add/Remove Programs window.

11.Remove any shortcuts to VMLite.exe from Start > Programs > Startup.

2.Install the New Software

The next step is to install the Voicemail Pro software. See Installing Voicemail Pro relate to the type of Voicemail Pro that you intend to install.

18and then refer to the sections that

3.Move the Voicemail Lite Folders

This must be done before users start to use Voicemail Pro. As part of the upgrade procedure you need to move the Voicemail Lite folders that contain any existing voicemail messages and mailbox greetings. This stage copies the existing Voicemail Lite messages and greetings over the newly installed Voicemail Pro set.

4.Using Windows Explorer or My Computer, locate the folder C:\Program Files\Avaya\IP Office\Voicemail Server.

5.Copy all sub-folders and files in that folder.

6.Paste the sub-folders and files in the folder C:\Program Files\Avaya\IP Office\Voicemail Pro\VM. Replace any existing folders.

7.Select the Mailbox Mode.

Voicemail Lite runs in IP Office mailbox mode. By default Voicemail Pro installs in Intuity mailbox mode. If required by your users, you can set Voicemail Pro back to IP Office mailbox mode.

1.Start the Voicemail Pro Client.

2.Click the Preferences icon and select General.

3.On the General tab, change the Default Telephony Interface from Intuity to IP Office.

4.Click OK.

5.Click Save & Make Live.

The new version of Voicemail Pro has been installed. Test that the system is running by dialing *17 from any extension. You should hear the mailbox announcement.

Voicemail Pro Installation and Maintenance

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IP Office Release 6

15-601063 Issue 22e (16 May 2010)

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Avaya 6 manual Upgrade to Voicemail Pro, Install the New Software, Move the Voicemail Lite Folders, Select the Mailbox Mode