As a general guide:
2.5lb loaf size = add 2¾ teaspoons vital wheat gluten
2.0lb loaf size = add 2½ teaspoons vital wheat gluten
1.5lb loaf size = add 2 teaspoons vital wheat gluten
1.0lb loaf size = add 1½ teaspoons vital wheat gluten
Glazes enhance the flavor of baked breads and give them a
professional finish. After glazing, breads can be sprinkled with your
favorite seeds and toppings eg. poppy, sesame or caraway seeds.
Egg Glaze
Use 1 egg white or 1 whole egg plus 1 tablespoon of water. Brush
over dough before baking.
Melted Butter Crust
Brush melted butter over just-baked bread for a softer, more
tender crust.
Milk Glaze
Brush milk or cream over just-baked bread for a softer, shiny crust.
Sweet Icing Glaze
Mix 1 cup sifted confectioner’s sugar with 1 to 2 tablespoons
of milk until smooth. Drizzle over raisin bread or sweet breads
when they are almost cool.
Milk enhances the flavor and increases the nutritional value
of bread. All liquids, including milk, should be 80°F (27°C)
before adding to the bread pan unless stated otherwise. Fresh
milk should not be substituted for dry milk unless stated in the
recipe. Dry milk (fat-free or regular) is convenient and enables
you to use the Delay Start feature. When using this feature with
dried substitutions, add the water to the bread pan first, then
add the dried substitution after the flour to keep them separate.
Salt is an important ingredient in yeast bread recipes. It not
only enhances flavor, but limits the growth of yeast and inhibits
rising, so be careful when measuring. Do not increase or
decrease the amount of salt shown in the recipes. Table salt, sea
salt or kosher salt can be used.
Sugar provides food for the yeast, sweetness and flavor to the
crumb and helps brown the crust. White sugar, brown sugar,
honey and golden syrup are all suitable to use. When using
honey or golden syrup it must be counted as additional liquid.
When bread machine baking, all liquids, particularly water,
should be 80°F (27°C) unless stated otherwise. Temperatures
too cool or too warm can prevent the yeast from activating.
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