Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Through Sh
show call history
Table 28 show call history Field Descriptions (continued)
Field | Description |
CallDuration | Length of the call, in hours, minutes, and seconds, hh:mm:ss. |
CallOrigin | Call origin: answer or originate. |
ChargedUnits | Total number of charging units applying to this peer since system |
| startup. The unit of measure for this field is hundredths of a second. |
CodecBytes | Payload size in bytes for the codec used. |
CoderTypeRate | Negotiated coder rate. This value specifies the send rate of voice or fax |
| compression to its associated call leg for this call. |
ConnectionID | Global call identifier for the gateway call. |
ConnectTime | Time at which this call was connected. |
Total number of consecutive (two or more) packet loss events. | |
Events |
Corrected | Total number of |
Events | RFC 2198 method. |
DisconnectCause | Description explaining why this call was disconnected. |
DisconnectText | Descriptive text explaining the reason for the disconnect. |
DisconnectTime | Time when this call was disconnected. |
FaxTxDuration | Duration of fax transmission from this peer to the voice gateway for this |
| call. You can derive the Fax Utilization Rate by dividing the |
| FaxTxDuration value by the TxDuration value. |
GapFillWithInterpolation | Duration of a voice signal played out with a signal synthesized from |
| parameters, or samples of data preceding and following in time, because |
| voice data was lost or not received in time from the voice gateway for |
| this call. |
GapFillWithRedundancy | Duration of a voice signal played out with a signal synthesized from |
| redundancy parameters available because voice data was lost or not |
| received in time from the voice gateway for this call. |
GapFillWithSilence | Duration of a voice signal replaced with silence because voice data was |
| lost or not received in time for this call. |
GapFillWithPrediction | Duration of a voice signal played out with a signal synthesized from |
| parameters, or samples of data preceding in time, because voice data was |
| lost or not received in time from the voice gateway for this call. |
HiWaterPlayoutDelay | |
Index | Dial peer identification number. |
InfoType | Information type for this call; for example, voice or fax. |
Last Buffer Drain/Fill | Time since the last jitter buffer drain or fill event, in seconds. |
Event |
LogicalIfIndex | Index number of the logical voice port for this call. |
LoWaterPlayoutDelay | |
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Command Reference