Paradyne 4200 manual 14-27, 22. RTRV-NE-ALL Response Parameters 2 of, Explanation

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Table 14-22. RTRV-NE-ALL Response Parameters (2 of 3)

14. System Commands

Table 14-22. RTRV-NE-ALL Response Parameters (2 of 3)






SNTPIPADDR: Simple Network Timing Protocol Server IP Address.


Specifies the IP address of specific SNTP server to poll for time and

synchronization. If a server address is specified and SNTPMODE is



UNI, SNTP will operate in Unicast mode. If a server address is not


specified and SNTPMODE is UNI, the NE will operate in Multicast mode


regardless of the SNTPMODE. If no value is specified, this parameter


remains the same. Valid values are:


– ddd.ddd.ddd.ddd: IP address (ddd = 0255)


– NONE: No server is specified

SNTPMODE: The SNTP mode. Valid values are:

MULTI: Multicast (default)

BROAD: Broadcast

UNI: Unicast (to server at SNTPIPADDR)

RMTSYSLOG: Remote syslog. Enables or disables syslog messages going to a remote daemon. If no value is specified, this parameter remains the same. Valid values are:

ENABLED: Send messages to a remote syslog daemon.

DISABLED: Do not send messages to a remote syslog daemon.

SYSLOGIPADDR: Syslog server IP address. Specifies the IP address of a remote syslog server if RMTSYSLOG is enabled. If no value is specified, this parameter remains the same. Valid values are:

ddd.ddd.ddd.ddd: IP address (ddd = 0255)

NONE: No server is specified

SYSLOGPORT: Syslog UDP port. Specifies the destination UDP port number used to send syslog messages to a remote syslog server if RMTSYSLOG is enabled (065535). If no value is specified, this parameter remains the same.

SYSLOGSEVTHLD: Syslog severity threshold. Specifies the minimum severity level of messages logged to the syslog. If no value is specified, this parameter remains the same. Valid values are:

EMERG: Emergency. System is unusable.

ALERT: Action must be taken immediately (unused).

CRITICAL: Critical and major alarm conditions.

ERROR: Minor alarms and autonomous message classification alarms.

WARNING: Warning conditions (unused).

NOTICE: Normal but significant conditions (unused).

INFO: Informational messages related to operational task status such as download successful, configuration change notification, and test start/stop.

SYSLOGRTLMT: Syslog rate limiting. Enables or disables syslog rate limiting. If no value is specified, this parameter remains the same. Valid values are:

ENABLED: The same syslog message will not be relogged within a 5-minute period.

DISABLED: Rate limiting of syslog messages will not be performed.


August 2002


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Paradyne 4200 manual 14-27, 22. RTRV-NE-ALL Response Parameters 2 of, Explanation