If you enable the option, a server daemon updates the database of changed files. The user’s computer scans only the folders in the local home folder that have been modified since the last time the database was updated.
To enable the option, TCP port 2336 must be open on your file server’s firewall.
To optimize the file server for mobile accounts:
1In Server Admin, click the disclosure triangle for the server hosting network home folders for mobile accounts.
2If Firewall isn’t listed, select the server, click Settings, click Services, select Firewall, and then click Save.
3Select Firewall, click Settings, and then click Services.
4Choose the address range for your users’ computers from the “Edit Services for”
5Select “Allow only traffic from ‘ipaddress’ to any of these ports,” select the Allow checkbox for Mobile Account Sync (port 2336), and then click Save.
6Select the server, click Settings, and then click General.
7 Select “Server Side File Tracking for Mobile Home Sync” and then click Save.
Chapter 8 Managing Portable Computers