Model Vehicle
10.5 Leapard
Getting Started with User Management
10.5 Leapard
275 pages
23.09 Kb
Choosing a Default Shell
Administering User Accounts
Configuring Portable Computers
Solving Account Problems
Using Presets
Information Access Control
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Image 40
Chapter 2
Getting Started with User Management
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Image 40
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Mac OS X Server
Configuring the Administrator’s Computer and Account
Setting Up an Administrator Computer
Creating a Domain Administrator Account
Using Workgroup Manager
Setting Up Group Accounts
Where Group Accounts Are Stored
Administering Group Accounts
Creating a Preset for Group Accounts
If You Can‘t Change a User’s Password Type to Open Directory
About This Guide
What’s New in Workgroup Manager
What’s in This Guide
To get help for an advanced configuration of Leopard Server
Using Onscreen Help
To see the most recent server help topics
Mac OS X Server Administration Guides
This guide Tells you how to
User Management
Getting Documentation Updates
Getting Additional Information
Tools for User Management
Workgroup Manager
Server Admin
See this document
Server Preferences
Command-Line Tools
Administrator Accounts
Server Administration
User Accounts
Guest Account
Group Accounts
Computer Accounts
User Experience
Authentication and Identity Validation
Computer Groups
Information Access Control
Folder and File Owner Access
ACLs and Posix Permissions
User Management Overview
Setup Overview
Getting Started with User Management
Set up an administrator computer
Create user accounts and home folders
Planning Strategies for User Management
Analyzing Your Environment
Identifying Directory Services Requirements
Determining Server and Storage Requirements
Choosing a Home Folder Structure
Users with local accounts typically have local home folders
Devising a Home Folder Distribution Strategy
Determining Administrator Requirements
Identifying Groups
Getting Started with User Management
Getting Started with User Management
Setting Up an Administrator Computer
Configuring the Administrator’s Computer and Account
To set up an administrator computer
Creating a Domain Administrator Account
Using Workgroup Manager
To create a domain administrator account
To connect and authenticate to directory domains
Major Workgroup Manager Tasks
To set Workgroup Manager preferences
Modifying Workgroup Manager Preferences
Preference Description
Working with Account Lists in Workgroup Manager
Finding and Listing Accounts
Listing Accounts in the Local Directory Domain
Listing Accounts in Search Policy Directory Domains
To list accounts in a server’s local directory domain
Refreshing Account Lists
Listing Accounts in Available Directory Domains
Finding Specific Accounts in a List
To filter items in the list of accounts
Using Advanced Search
To do this Do this
Shortcuts for Working with Accounts
Using Presets
Sorting Users and Groups
Editing Multiple Accounts Simultaneously
Interface element Mixed-state appearance
To batch-edit accounts that match specific criteria
Importing and Exporting Account Information
Getting Started with Workgroup Manager
Where User Accounts Are Stored
About User Accounts
Predefined User Accounts
User ID
Creating User Accounts
Administering User Accounts
To create a user account
Editing User Account Information
To make changes to a user account
Working with Guest Users
Working with Read-Only User Accounts
To work with a read-only user account
To delete a user account using Workgroup Manager
Working with Windows User Accounts
Deleting a User Account
Disabling a User Account
Creating a Preset for User Accounts
Working with Presets
To create a preset for user accounts
Using Presets to Create Accounts
Renaming Presets
Editing Presets
To create an account using a preset
Working with Basic Settings
Deleting a Preset
To edit a preset
To delete a preset
To work with the user name using Workgroup Manager
Modifying Short Names
To work with a user short name using Workgroup Manager
Choosing Stable Short Names
Avoiding Duplicate Names
Modifying User IDs
To change a user ID in Workgroup Manager
Assigning a Password to a User
Assigning Administrator Privileges for a Server
To assign a password
To set server administrator privileges in Workgroup Manager
Choosing a User’s Login Picture
To change a user’s login picture
Removing Administrative Privileges from a User
Giving a User Limited Administrative Capabilities
To remove a user’s administrative privileges
Working with Privileges
To add limited administrative capabilities
Task Description
Working with Advanced Settings
Giving a User Full Administrative Capabilities
To change a user’s administrative privileges
To enable a user’s calendar
Choosing a Default Shell
To choose a default shell
Choosing a Password Type and Setting Password Options
To choose a user password type and set password options
Applying Keywords to User Accounts
Creating a Master List of Keywords
To edit the master keyword list
Editing Comments
To work with a comment using Workgroup Manager
To work with keywords for a user account
To set a primary group ID using Workgroup Manager
Working with Group Settings
Choosing a User’s Primary Group
Reviewing a User’s Group Memberships
To review group memberships using Workgroup Manager
Adding a User to a Group
Working with Home Settings
To add a user to a group using Workgroup Manager
To remove a user from a group using Workgroup Manager
Removing a User from a Group
Working with Mail Settings
Enabling Mail Service Account Options
Working with Print Quota Settings
Disabling a User’s Mail Service
To disable a user’s mail service using Workgroup Manager
To forward a user’s mail using Workgroup Manager
Enabling a User’s Access to All Available Print Queues
Enabling a User’s Access to Specific Print Queues
Resetting a User’s Print Quota
To delete a user’s print quota using Workgroup Manager
To restart a user’s print quota using Workgroup Manager
Removing a Print Quota For a Queue
Working with Info Settings
To disable a user’s access to print queues enforcing quotas
Changing a Windows User’s Profile Location
Working with Windows Settings
To change a user’s info
Changing a Windows User’s Login Script Location
Working with GUIDs
Changing a Windows User’s Home Folder Drive Letter
Changing a Windows User’s Home Folder Location
Viewing GUIDs
To view a user or group Guid
About Group Accounts
How Group Accounts Track Membership
Predefined Group Accounts
Where Group Accounts Are Stored
Predefined Group name Group ID Use
Creating Group Accounts
Administering Group Accounts
To create a group account
Creating a Preset for Group Accounts
To create a preset for group accounts
Editing Group Account Information
To make changes to a group account
Creating Hierarchical Groups
To create a hierarchical group
Upgrading Legacy Groups
To convert a legacy group to an upgraded group account
Working with Read-Only Groups
Working with Basic Settings for Groups
To delete a group using Workgroup Manager
Deleting a Group
Naming a Group
To work with group names using Workgroup Manager
Defining a Group ID
To work with a group ID using Workgroup Manager
Choosing a Group’s Login Picture
To choose a group’s login picture
Enabling a Group’s Web Services
To enable a group’s web services
Working with Member Settings for Groups
Adding Users or Groups to a Group
Removing Group Members
Working with Group Folder Settings
To remove group members
Creating a Group Folder
Specifying No Group Folder
To specify no group folder
Designating a Group Folder for Use by Multiple Groups
Setting Up Computers Computer Groups
About Computer Accounts
Creating Computer Accounts
To create a computer account
Working with Guest Computers
To set up the guest computer account
Working with Windows Computers
Administering Computer Groups
About Computer Groups
Differences Between Computer Groups and Computer Lists
Creating a Computer Group
Creating a Preset for Computer Groups
To set up a computer group
To set up a preset for computer groups
Using a Computer Group Preset
To use a preset for computer groups
Adding Computers or Computer Groups to a Computer Group
To add computers or computer groups to a computer group
To upgrade computer lists to computer groups
Deleting a Computer Group
Upgrading Computer Lists to Computer Groups
To delete a computer group
Setting Up Home Folders
About Home Folders
Hosting Home Folders for Mac OS X Clients
Hosting Home Folders for Other Clients
Distributing Home Folders Across Multiple Servers
Administering Share Points
Setting Up a Share Point
To set up a share point
Unix Class Name Permission
Setting Up an Automountable AFP Share Point for Home Folders
To set up an automountable AFP share point for home folders
Setting Up an Automountable NFS Share Point for Home Folders
To set up an automountable NFS share point for home folders
Setting Up an SMB Share Point
To create an SMB share point and set permissions
Specifying No Home Folder
Administering Home Folders
To define no home folder
Creating a Home Folder for a Local User
To create a home folder for a local user
Creating a Network Home Folder
To create a network home folder for AFP or NFS share points
Creating a Custom Location for Home Folders
To create a custom home folder using Workgroup Manager
Element Do this
Setting Up a Home Folder for a Windows User
To set up a home folder in an existing share point
Setting Disk Quotas
Setting Disk Quotas for Windows Users to Avoid Data Loss
Using Presets to Choose Default Home Folders
Moving Home Folders
Deleting Home Folders
Managing Portable Computers
About Mobile Accounts
About Portable Home Directories
Logging In to Mobile Accounts
About External Accounts
Resolving Sync Conflicts
Logging In to External Accounts
Considerations and Strategies for Deploying Mobile Accounts
Advantages of Using Mobile Accounts
Applications locally cache temporary files
Considerations for Using Mobile Accounts
You can manage individual mobile accounts
Strategies for Syncing Content
Mobile accounts can’t restore deleted files through syncing
Configuring Portable Computers
Setting Up Mobile Accounts for Use on Portable Computers
To set up portable computers for use on your network
Managing Mobile Clients Without Using Mobile Accounts
Unknown Mac OS X Portable Computers
Using Mac OS X Portable Computers with Multiple Users
Securing Mobile Clients
Optimizing the File Server for Mobile Accounts
To optimize the file server for mobile accounts
Client Management Overview
Using Network-Visible Resources
There are several key network-visible resources
Power of Preferences
Limits access
Customizing the User Experience
Environment Control By letting you manage
Key login settings
Designing the Login Experience
Environment Desired effect
Choosing a Workgroup
Working with Synced Homes
Improving Workflow
Using Workgroup Manager to Manage Preferences
Preference pane What you can manage
Understanding Managed Preference Interactions
Setting the Permanence of Management
Understanding Hierarchical Preference Management
Preference Management Basics
Caching Preferences
Managing User Preferences
To manage user preferences
Managing Group Preferences
Managing Computer Preferences
To manage group preferences
To manage computer preferences
Disabling Management for Specific Preferences
Managing Computer Group Preferences
To manage computer group preferences
Managing Access to Applications
To selectively disable preference management
What you can control
Icon Indicates the application has this type of signature
To allow users to open specific applications and folders
Allowing Specific Dashboard Widgets
To allow specific Dashboard widgets
To disable Front Row
Disabling Front Row
To set up a list of accessible applications
Managing Classic Preferences
To work with various startup options for Classic
Selecting Classic Startup Options
Classic preference pane What you can control
Allowing Special Actions During Restart
Choosing a Classic System Folder
To choose a specific Classic System Folder
To allow special actions during restart
Controlling Access to Classic Apple Menu Items
To hide or show items in the Apple menu
Adjusting Classic Sleep Settings
To adjust Classic sleep settings
To choose where Classic user preferences are stored
Managing Dock Preferences
Maintaining Consistent User Preferences for Classic
Controlling the User’s Dock
Providing Easy Access to Group Folders
To add a Dock item for a group folder
Adding Items to a User’s Dock
To add items to a user’s Dock
Preventing Users from Adding or Deleting Dock Items
Managing Energy Saver Preferences
To prevent users from adding items to their Docks
Using Sleep and Wake Settings for Desktop Computers
To set sleep and wake settings
Setting Energy Saver Settings for Portable Computers
To manage portable computer settings
Displaying Battery Status to Users
Scheduling Automatic Startup, Shutdown, or Sleep
To show battery status in the menu bar
To schedule automatic actions
Managing Finder Preferences
Setting Up Simple Finder
Finder preference pane What you can control
Controlling the Behavior of Finder Windows
To turn on Simple Finder
To hide disk and server icons on the desktop
To set Finder window preferences
Hiding the Alert Message When a User Empties the Trash
Making Filename Extensions Visible
To hide the Trash warning message
To make filename extensions visible
Controlling User Access to an iDisk
Controlling User Access to Remote Servers
Preventing Users from Ejecting Discs
Hiding the Burn Disc Command in the Finder
Controlling User Access to Folders
To hide the Burn Disc command
To hide the Go to Folder command
Adjusting the Appearance and Arrangement of Desktop Items
To hide the Restart and Shut Down commands
Removing Restart and Shut Down from the Apple Menu
To set preferences for the desktop view
Adjusting the Appearance of Finder Window Contents
Managing Login Preferences
Changing the Appearance of the Login Window
Login preference pane What you can control
List setting Mac OS X version Effect
To change the appearance of the Login Window
Configuring Miscellaneous Login Options
Option What this does when enabled
To configure miscellaneous login options
Choosing Who Can Log
Customizing the Workgroups Displayed at Login
To choose who can log
Enabling the Use of Login and Logout Scripts
To customize the workgroups displayed at login
To enable the use of login or logout scripts
Trust value name Requirements
Choosing a Login or Logout Script
Click Edit
Automatically Opening Items After a User Logs
To choose login or logout scripts
To set an item to open automatically
Providing Access to a User’s Network Home Folder
To add a login item for the group share point
Providing Easy Access to the Group Share Point
To automatically mount the Network Home
Controlling Access to CDs, DVDs, and Recordable Discs
Managing Media Access Preferences
To control access to disc media
Controlling Access to Hard Drives, Disks, and Disk Images
Ejecting Removable Media Automatically When a User Logs Out
To restrict access to internal and external disks
To automatically eject removable media
Creating a Mobile Account
Managing Mobility Preferences
Mobility preference pane What you can control
To create a mobile account using Workgroup Manager
Preventing the Creation of a Mobile Account
To prevent the creation of mobile accounts
Manually Removing Mobile Accounts from Computers
To remove a mobile account
Enabling FileVault for Mobile Accounts
To enable FileVault for mobile accounts
Selecting the Location of a Mobile Account
To select the location of a mobile account
Home folder location Description
Type Name Privilege
Creating External Accounts
To create an external account
Setting Expiration Periods for Mobile Accounts
To set an expiration period
Stopping Files from Syncing for a Mobile Account
To stop files from syncing
Showing Mobile Account Status in the User’s Menu Bar
Setting the Background Sync Frequency
To set the frequency for syncing background folders
Configuring Proxy Servers by Port
Managing Network Preferences
To show mobile account status in the user’s menu bar
Network preference pane What you can control
To choose the domains that users can access directly
To configure proxy servers for a user or a group
Allowing Users to Bypass Proxy Servers for Specific Domains
Enabling Passive FTP Mode
To enable passive FTP mode
To disable Internet Sharing
Disabling Internet Sharing
Disabling Bluetooth
To disable AirPort
To disable Bluetooth
Disabling AirPort
Preventing Access to Adult Websites
To prevent access to specific websites
Managing Parental Controls Preferences
Hiding Profanity in Dictionary
Allowing Access Only to Specific Websites
To allow access only to specific websites
Setting Time Limits and Curfews on Computer Usage
To set time limits and curfews
Managing Printing Preferences
Printing preference pane What you can control
To restrict access to the printer list
Making Printers Available to Users
Preventing Users from Modifying the Printer List
To create a printer list for users
Setting a Default Printer
Restricting Access to Printers Connected to a Computer
To set the default printer
Restricting Access to Printers
To restrict access to a specific printer
Adding a Page Footer to All Printouts
To add a footer to all printouts
Managing Access to System Preferences
Managing Software Update Preferences
To manage access to Software Update servers
To manage access to System Preferences
Managing Time Machine Preferences
To manage Time Machine preferences
Adjusting the User’s Display Settings
Managing Universal Access Preferences
Universal Access Preference pane What you can control
Setting a Visual Alert
Adjusting Keyboard Accessibility Options
To adjust screen appearance
To set a flashing alert
To set the way the keyboard responds to keystrokes
Option Effect
Enabling Universal Access Shortcuts
Adjusting Mouse and Pointer Responsiveness
To control mouse and pointer settings
Using the Preference Editor with Preference Manifests
To allow Universal Access Shortcuts
Allowing Devices for Users with Special Needs
To allow assistive devices
Adding to the Preference Editor’s List
To add to the preference editor’s list
Frequency Description
Editing Application Preferences with the Preference Editor
To edit application preferences
To disable management of an application’s preferences
Using the Preference Editor to Manage Core Services
Manifest Examples of things you can change
Using the Preference Editor to Manage Safari
To add Safari to the preference editor list
Diagnosing Common Network Issues
Testing Your Network’s Time and Time Zones
Testing Your DNS Service
To test your network’s DNS service on a single computer
Testing Your Dhcp Service
To test your network’s Dhcp service on a single computer
Solving Account Problems
If You Can’t Edit an Account Using Workgroup Manager
If Users Can’t See Their Names in the Login Window
If You Want to Use Earlier Versions of Workgroup Manager
If You Can’t Assign Server Administrator Privileges
If You Can’t Modify a User’s Open Directory Password
If Users Can’t Log In or Authenticate
If Users Relying on a Password Server Can’t Log
Problems with a Primary or Backup Domain Controller
If Users Can’t Access Their Home Folders
If Users Can’t Change Their Passwords
If a Windows User Can’t Log in to the Windows Domain
If a Windows User’s Profile Settings Revert to Defaults
If a Windows User Has No Home Folder
Solving Preference Management Problems
Testing Your Managed Client Settings
If Users Don’t See a List of Workgroups at Login
To view managed client settings in System Profiler
If Login Items Added by a User Don’t Open
If Users Can’t Add Printers to a Printer List
If a User’s Dock Has Duplicate Items
If Items Placed in the Dock by a User Are Missing
If Users See a Question Mark in the Dock
If Users See a Message About an Unexpected Error
If You Can’t Manage Network Views
Importing and Exporting Account Information
Understanding What You Can Import and Export
Limitations for Importing and Exporting Passwords
To import accounts using Workgroup Manager
Using Workgroup Manager to Import Accounts
Archiving the Open Directory Master
Using Workgroup Manager to Export Accounts
To export accounts using Workgroup Manager
Using XML Files Created with AppleShare IP
Access control list See ACL
Apple Filing Protocol See AFP
See also computer list
Directory node See directory domain
Full name See long name Globally unique identifier See Guid
Home directory See home folder
Local home directory See local home folder
Primary domain controller See PDC
Search path See search policy
Security identifier See SID
Weblog See blog