Server Preferences
If you use the standard or workgroup configuration of Mac OS X Server, you can use Server Preferences to configure key features of collaboration and file services. Its streamlined approach allows novice system administrators to quickly configure a server without requiring much technical knowledge.
You can also use Server Preferences to configure user and group accounts (such as setting passwords, enabling services, and assigning group membership). However, you can’t use Server Preferences to manage preferences.
For more information, see Getting Started and Server Preferences Help.
Mac OS X computers can start up from a
When you update a NetBoot image, all computers using NetBoot have instant access to the new configuration. To customize the computer setup for different groups of clients, you can set up multiple NetBoot images. These features provide quick setup and a customized user experience.
NetBoot simplifies administration and reduces the support normally associated with
With NetBoot, you can quickly configure and update client computers by updating a NetBoot image stored on the server. NetBoot images contain the operating system and application folders for all clients on the server, so that changes made on the server are reflected on the clients when they restart. Systems that are compromised or otherwise altered can be instantly restored by restarting them.
You use System Image Utility to create and modify NetBoot images, and then use NetBoot to deploy NetBoot images.
For more information about these tools, or about installing an operating system over a network, see System Imaging and Software Update Administration.
NetInstall is a centralized software installation service that lets you use installation images to selectively and automatically install, restore, or upgrade
Chapter 1 User Management Overview