To add the core services bundle to the preference editor list:
1In Workgroup Manager, click Preferences and then click Details.
2Make sure the correct directory is selected and you are authenticated.
To switch directories, click the globe icon. If you are not authenticated, click the lock and enter the name and password of a directory domain administrator.
3Select one or more users, groups, computers, or computer groups.
4Click the Add (+) button.
5Select /System/Library/CoreServices/ManagedClient.app and click Add.
Using the Preference Editor to Manage Safari
Safari is a good example of an application that can be managed by editing its preference manifest.
The Safari version included with Mac OS X v10.5 or later is more configurable than previous versions of Safari. It includes more than 30 configurable preferences, including:
ÂHome Page
ÂDefault Font
ÂAutoFill Passwords
ÂAutoFill Credit Cards
ÂJava Enabled
ÂJavaScript Enabled
ÂAsk Before Submitting Insecure Forms
When you add Safari to the preference editor list, two entries are added. The com.apple.Safari preference manifest includes most configurable preferences, while com.apple.WebFoundation includes a configurable preference for the cookie acceptance policy.
By default, these manifests don’t show any keys. You must click the disclosure triangle next to the frequency, then select the frequency and click New Key. When you click the name of the new key, you’ll see all available keys for that frequency.
To add Safari to the preference editor list:
1In Workgroup Manager, click Preferences and then click Details.
2Make sure the correct directory is selected and you are authenticated.
To switch directories, click the globe icon. If you are not authenticated, click the lock and enter the name and password of a directory domain administrator.
3Select one or more users, groups, computers, or computer groups.
Chapter 10 Managing Preferences