6To indicate what to do when the short name of an account being imported matches that of an existing account, select one of the Duplicate Handling options:
“Overwrite existing record” overwrites any existing record in the directory domain.
“Ignore new record” ignores an account in the import file.
“Add to empty fields” merges data from the import file into the existing account when the data is for an attribute that has no value.
“Append to existing record” appends data to existing data for a particular multivalue attribute in the existing account. Duplicates are not created. This option could be used when importing members into an existing group.
“Don’t check for duplicates” disables checking for duplicates, but it can cause misconfigured records and unexpected results. Make sure there are no duplicates before choosing this option. When you enable this option, it can decrease the time required to import.
7To enable presets for a user or a group, select Preset for Users or Preset for Groups and choose presets from the two
If a setting is specified in both the preset and an import file, the value in the file is used. If a setting is specified in the preset but not in the import file, the value in the preset is used.
For more information about how to create presets, see “Creating a Preset for User Accounts” on page 61 and “Creating a Preset for Group Accounts” on page 92.
8In the First User ID field, enter a user ID for new user accounts without user IDs in the import file.
New User IDs are then sequentially assigned for other accounts without listed user IDs.
9In the Primary Group ID field, enter the group ID to assign to new user accounts for users that have no primary group ID in the import file.
10Choose the level of detail for the log from the Logging Detail
11Click Import.
Using Workgroup Manager to Export Accounts
You can use Workgroup Manager to export user, group, computer, and computer group accounts from an Open Directory domain into a
You can also use the dsexport tool to export records to a
Appendix Importing and Exporting Account Information