Make sure the value is unique for all directory domains set in the search policy of computers that the user logs in to. Workgroup Manager warns you if you change the value to another user ID in the same directory domain. You can quickly find all existing user IDs by choosing View > “Show System Users and Groups,” and then clicking the UID column header in the accounts list to sort the accounts by user ID.
Assigning a Password to a User
When you create a user account, you must assign a password to the user. You can reset the user’s password by replacing the password field with a new password.
For information about choosing secure passwords, see Mac OS X Security Configuration.
When you export user accounts using Workgroup Manager, password information isn’t exported. If you want to set passwords, you can modify the export file before you import it, or you can set passwords after importing. You can also manually create a
For more information about importing user accounts, see “Understanding What You Can Import and Export” on page 251.
To assign a password:
1In Workgroup Manager, click Accounts.
2Select the user account you want to work with.
To select an account, click the globe icon above the accounts list, choose the directory domain where the user’s account resides, and then select the user.
3To authenticate, click the lock and enter the name and password of a directory domain administrator.
4In the Basic pane, enter a password in the Password field, enter it again in the Verify field, and then click Save.
Assigning Administrator Privileges for a Server
A user who has server administrator privileges controls most of the server’s configuration settings and can use applications (such as Server Admin) that require a user to be a member of the server’s administrator group.
You can use Workgroup Manager to assign server administrator privileges to a user with an account stored in an Open Directory domain. You can also use Workgroup Manager to review the server administrator privileges in any directory domain accessible from the server you’re using.
To set server administrator privileges in Workgroup Manager:
1Log in to Workgroup Manager by specifying the name or IP address of the server you want to grant administrator privileges for.
2Click Accounts.
Chapter 4 Setting Up User Accounts