Note: When a mobile account is enabled, it appears in the login window and in the Accounts pane of System Preferences with the label Mobile. When the account is selected in the Accounts pane, some settings may appear dimmed.
To create a mobile account using Workgroup Manager:
1In Workgroup Manager, click Preferences.
2Make sure the correct directory is selected and you are authenticated.
To switch directories, click the globe icon. If you are not authenticated, click the lock and enter the name and password of a directory domain administrator.
3Select a user account, group account, computer, or computer group.
When users log in to a workgroup with
4Click Mobility, click Account Creation, and then click Creation.
5Set the management setting to Always.
6Select “Create mobile account when user logs in to network account.”
7If you want the user to decide whether to enable a mobile account at login, select “Require confirmation before creating mobile account.”
If this option is selected, the user sees a confirmation when logging in. The user can click Create Now to create a local home folder and enable the mobile account, click Don’t Create to log in as a network user without enabling the mobile account, or click Cancel Login to return to the login window.
If you select “Show ‘Don’t ask me again’ checkbox,” the dialog allows the user to prevent the display of the dialog on that computer. If the user selects “Don’t ask me again” and then clicks “Don’t Create,” he or she isn’t asked to create a mobile account on that computer. The user can hold down the Option key during login to redisplay the dialog.
8To initially sync local and network homes so that the network home folder replaces the local home folder, choose “Create home with default sync settings.” To create the local home folder without syncing, choose “Create home with syncing off.”
9Click Apply Now.
Changes are applied to a mobile account the next time the computer connects to the network.
Preventing the Creation of a Mobile Account
To prevent the creation of mobile accounts, manage Mobility preferences.
Chapter 10 Managing Preferences