4Click Edit.
5If the local host name contains special nonalphabetic or
For example, change local host names like
6Optionally, determine the trust level by entering the following command in Terminal:
dscl localhost
Replace www.apple.com with the address of your LDAP directory. Running this command displays a line similar to the following:
TrustInformation: Authenticated FullTrust
In this example, the current trust level is FullTrust. The trust level is also Authenticated. When two trust levels are listed, the higher trust level takes precedence.
7Set the “EnableMCXLoginScripts” key in ~root/Library/Preferences/ com.apple.loginwindow.plist to TRUE by entering the following command in Terminal:
sudo defaults write com.apple.loginwindow EnableMCXLoginScripts
8To change the trust value from FullTrust, set the “MCXScriptTrust” key in ~root/Library/ Preferences/com.apple.loginwindow.plist to a valid trust value.
For example, enter the following command in Terminal:
sudo defaults write com.apple.loginwindow MCXScriptTrust
This command sets the trust value to PartialTrust. To set other trust values, replace PartialTrust with other trust values. If you enter an invalid trust value, the trust value is reset to FullTrust.
When you enable login and logout scripts or change the trust value, add login and logout scripts in Workgroup Manager. For more information about how to use Workgroup Manager to add login and logout scripts, see “Choosing a Login or Logout Script.”
Choosing a Login or Logout Script
You can only run login and logout scripts on computers or computer groups. Before adding scripts, you must enable them using login and logout scripts. If you change the trust level for client computers running Mac OS X v10.4,
For instructions on enabling login and logout scripts on clients and for more information about trust levels, see “Enabling the Use of Login and Logout Scripts” on page 194.
If you run login or logout scripts for computers and computer groups, the script for the computer is run first, followed by the script for the computer group, starting with hierarchical groups and ending with parent groups.
Chapter 10 Managing Preferences