bLocate the cloud icon in the Add Map Item dialog box, select it and drag it onto the map, near to the Default WAN cloud. This adds a new cloud to the map, which will be used to represent the logical grouping.

cClose the Add Map Item dialog box.

dSelect the new cloud in the map.

eLaunch the Properties dialog box for the new cloud by selecting Properties from the right-click menu of the link.

fIn the Custom Name field of the General tab enter a suitable name for the logical grouping that the cloud represents (for example, this may be the name of the ISP).

gClose the Properties dialog box by clicking OK.

2Remove the logically connected routers’ links to the “Default WAN” cloud:

a Locate the routers that contain the WAN interfaces that are logically connected to each other.

b Select their links to the Default WAN cloud. Ensure that nothing else is selected in the map.

c Select Edit > Delete, and confirm the deletion.

Note that any of these links may represent more than one WAN interface. If that is the case then deleting the link will remove the map representation of all of those WAN interfaces. See “Restoring WAN Interface Representations after a Manual Layout of WAN Topology” on page 691 for details of how to restore these WAN interface representations.

3Link the logically connected routers to the representation of the logical group:

a In the map, select one of the routers that contain the WAN interfaces that are logically connected to each other and the cloud that is being used to represent the logical group.

b Select Edit > Add Link to link the router and the cloud together.

c Repeat this process for each of the other routers that contain the WAN interfaces that are logically connected to each other.

4Set the port details of the link:

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HP Network Direr Software Products manual Using 3COM Network Director on a MULTI-SITE Network