tab of the More Detail dialog box when launched for an event caused by the receipt of this trap.

<description> defines a brief description of the trap that appears in the Description column of the Events window for events caused by the receipt of this trap.

<explanation> defines a more detailed description of the trap. This appears in the Event tab of the More Detail dialog box when launched for an event caused by the receipt of this trap.

The text “\n” can be used to indicate the end of a paragraph in the explanation.

Remedies can also be added to an explanation by using the format:

<remedy>Remedy Text</remedy>

These are shown in the More Detail dialog box as bulleted text, and can be used to suggest remedies for the trap. An example of a remedy is shown in the a3Com_swModuleVerMismatchNotification trap decode example given below.

<severity> specifies the severity to be assigned to events generated by the receipt of this trap. The supported severities are, from least to most important:





See “Event Severities” on page 321 for more details on event severities and “Monitoring State” on page 274 for details of how event severities are used in the map.

Each field in a trap decode should be on a separate line. If necessary, any of the fields in a trap decode can be split over several lines in the templates.ini file by appending a “\” character to the end of each line of the field other than the last one. See the examples below for usage.

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HP Network Direr Software Products manual RemedyRemedy Text/remedy