Global Config
no bootpdhcprelay disable
bootpdhcprelay disable Global Config
Default Format Mode
bootpdhcprelay disable
Global Config
no bootpdhcprelay cidoptmode
bootpdhcprelay cidoptmode Global Config
Default Format Mode
bootpdhcprelay cidoptmode
Router RIP Config
no auto-summary
no bootpdhcprelay disable
This command enables the forwarding of relay requests for BootP/DHCP Relay on the system.
This command disables the forwarding of relay requests for BootP/DHCP Relay on the system. Disabled
no bootpdhcprelay cidoptmode
This command disables the circuit ID option mode for BootP/DHCP Relay on the system.
This command enables the circuit ID option mode for BootP/DHCP Relay on the system. Disabled
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7300 Series Layer 3 Managed Switch Software
no auto-summary
This command disables the RIP auto-summarization mode.