User Manual for the NETGEAR 7300 Series Layer 3 Managed Switch Software
CLI Commands: Differentiated Services 10-21
Exceed Action The current setting for the action taken on a packet considered to
exceed to the policing parameters. This is not displayed if polic-
ing not in use for the class under this policy.
Exceed DSCP Value This field shows the DSCP mark value if this action is markdscp.
Exceed IP Precedence Value This field shows the IP Precedence mark value if this
action is markprec.
Non-Conform Action The current setting for the action taken on a packet considered to
not conform to the policing parameters. This is not displayed if
policing not in use for the class under this policy.
Non-Conform DSCP Value This field displays the DSCP mark value if this action is
Non-Conform IP Precedence Value This field displays the IP Precedence mark value if
this action is markprec.
Bandwidth This field displays the minimum amount of bandwidth reserved
in either percent or kilobits-per-second.
Expedite Burst Size (KBytes) This field displays the maximum guaranteed amount of
bandwidth reserved in either percent or kilobits-per-second for-
Shaping Average This field is displayed if average shaping is in use. Indicates
whether average or peak rate shaping is in use, along with the
parameters used to form the traffic shaping criteria, such as CIR
and PIR. This is not displayed if shaping is not configured for the
class under this policy.
Shape Committed Rate (Kbps) This field is displayed if average or peak rate shaping is
in use. It displays the shaping committed rate in kilobits-per-sec-
Shape Peak Rate (Kbps) This field is displayed if peak rate shaping is in use. It displays
the shaping peak rate in kilobits-per-second.
Random Drop Minimum Threshold This field displays the RED minimum thresh-
old.This is not displayed if the queue depth management scheme
is not RED.
Random Drop Maximum Threshold This field displays the RED maximum thresh-
old.This is not displayed if the queue depth management scheme
is not RED.