2.Load the QLogic FCoE driver module, and specify one or more parameters separated by a space. The following example enables
3.Verify the parameter changes by issuing the following commands:
#cat /etc/bus/pci/drivers/qla2xxx/module/parameters/ql2xenablemsix
#cat /etc/bus/pci/drivers/qla2xxx/module/parameters /ql2xextended_error_logging
Making Persistent Changes Using modprobe
Persistent changes are preserved across server reboots. To make persistent changes to adapter driver parameters:
1.Open the file /etc/modprobe.conf in read/write mode using a Linux editor by issuing the following command:
#vi /etc/modprobe.conf
2.Add the options line for the appropriate driver parameter by issuing the following command:
options qla2xxx ql2xenablemsix=1 ql2xextended_error_logging=1
Figure 8-1 shows the result.
Figure 8-1. Adding the Options Line to modprobe.conf