If the command produces no output, the bonding driver is already loaded. If the output is similar to Figure
Figure 6-32. Loading the Bonding Driver
Unloading the Bonding Driver
To unload the bonding driver, enter the following command:
#modprobe -r bonding
To verify that the bonding driver has been unloaded, enter the lsmod grep bonding command as described in “Loading the Bonding Driver” on page
To display the bonding driver version and the configurable parameters, enter the following:
#modinfo bonding
Changing Bonding Driver Parameters
When initially configuring a bond or modifying bonding related parameters, enter the tail
modprobe is a Linux utility that intelligently adds or removes a module from the Linux kernel. modprobe also has an option to specify a parameter value when loading the driver. You can make nonpersistent changes or persistent changes to the bonding driver.
Making Nonpersistent Changes to the Bonding Driver To make changes to driver parameters that are not persistent across reboots or driver reloads, use the modprobe command. For example:
1.Unload the Linux Bonding driver module by issuing the following command:
# modprobe