Depending on the server hardware, the RAMDISK file name may be different. The command is successful if there is no output.
d.Reboot the server for the new RAMDISK image to take affect by issuing the following command:
# shutdown -r now
4.After a successful reboot, verify that the parameter values parameters have changed by issuing the following commands:
# lsmod grep bonding
# cat /sys/class/net/bond0/bonding/miimon
# cat /sys/class/net/bond0/bonding/mode
Bonding Configuration
Creating, modifying, or dissolving bonding interfaces may cause the network connection to be reset. Do not configure bonding on a production system.
The following nonpersistent and persistent configuration procedures assume that the Linux bonding driver has been loaded and that the parameters have been specified that define the type of bond to be created. For information about loading the bonding driver, refer to “Loading the Bonding Driver” on page
Nonpersistent Bonding Configuration
Nonpersistent configuration changes (ifconfig and ifenslave commands) are lost if the server is rebooted.
1.Create a bondX network interface. For example, issue the following command:
#ifconfig bond0 netmask broadcast up
2.Add slave interfaces to the bonding interfaces by issuing the following command:
#ifenslave bond0 eth0 eth1