Installing and Launching QConvergeConsole
To install and launch the QConvergeConsole:
QConvergeConsole can be installed on a Linux host by running a Virtual Network Computing (VNC®) program on a Windows host to remotely control the installation. VNC Viewer is a VNC program that can remotely control QConvergeConsole installation on a Linux host.
To install the QConvergeConsole in a Linux environment:
1.Open the directory containing the installer
QConvergeConsole_Installer_<version>.bin (Figure 4-20).
Figure 4-20. Install the QConvergeConsole: Directory Containing Installer
2.From the Terminal window, verify that the installer file has permission to execute. At the prompt, enter ls
Figure 4-21. Install the QConvergeConsole: Terminal Window—Verify Permission
to Execute
3.To install the QConvergeConsole,
A message displays asking whether you want to run or display
QConvergeConsole_Installer_<version>.bin (Figure