Remarks: Sets the passed store number to the setup contained in the binary data that was extracted using the SYSRD command.
Commands: SYSRD
SYSLNM Saved set naming | SYSTEM |
Syntax: SYSLNM <store number>,<text>
store number: 1 to 10
text: text string
Remarks: This command allows the saved setups to have text associated with them rather than just the ‘USED’ and ‘NOT USED’ text.
Query: SYSLNM? <store number>
String: SYSLNM <store number>,<store name>
If a store number of 0 is used, then all the store titles will be output in the form:
SYSLNM 1,<store 1 name>,2,<store 2 name>, … ,10,<store 10 name>
SYSRD | Output the saved setup over the GPIB | DATA OUTPUT |
Syntax: SYSRD <store number>
store 0 (current setup) or 1 to 10 saved stores number:
Remarks: Requests that the saved stored setup is output over the GPIB. This is a BI- NARY output that allows the stored setup to be programmed into other ML2430A Series power meters and stores via the SYSLD command. If a request for a store number that has not had a setup stored into it is made, an execution error event will be set in the Event Status Register (ESR).
The output is in the form:
SYSRD<ws><#><num_digits><number num_digits long>, <binary data>
<num_digits> = Number of following digits giving the number of bytes of bi- nary data.
<number num_digits long> = A number num_digits long giving the number of bytes of binary data.
<binary data> = Saved setup.
ML2430A OM | |