Anritsu ML2430A operation manual Programming Examples, Get Graph Data

Models: ML2430A

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Get Graph Data

Function GetGraphData ()

function assumes that you have the graph display

setup and that there is a global array called


make space for the result

Dim result As String result = String$(2048, 0)

set up a 2K buffer for the data to put in.

Set the command up

Cmd = “OGD” : CmdLength = Len(Cmd)

Send the command to the device at address 13 (default address of the power meter)

Call DLLsend(0, 13, Cmd, CmdLength, NLend, ibsta%, iberr%, ibcntl&)

Receive the data from ML2430A at address 13

Call DLLreceive(0, 13, result, 2048, STOPend, ibsta%, iberr%, ibcntl&) result = Left(result, ibcntl&) - 1

Get number of elements

Number_of_elements = Val(Mid(result, 5, InStr(5, result, “,”) - 5))

redimension our global array

ReDim GraphData(1 To Number_of_elements) As Single

format the result string so that we only have the elements.

result = Right(result, Len(result) - InStr(5, result, “,”))

loop through elements and place into our global array For I = 1 To Number_of_elements

next_place = InStr(result, “,”) - 1

If next_place = -1 Then next_place = Len(result) GraphData(I) = Val(Mid(result, 1, next_place))

reduce the elements by one

(the one we have just put in the array) result = Right(result, Len(result) - InStr (result, “,”))

Next I

End Function

ML2430A OM




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Anritsu ML2430A operation manual Programming Examples, Get Graph Data