| IEEE 488.1 level commands are in the form of data byte codes with the attention |
| (ATN) line set. A separate function is normally provided to drive these commands |
| from a GPIB program. A typical GPIB driver library call for 488.1 and 488.2 is |
| given for each of the following commands. Refer to the IEEE 488.1 and |
| IEEE488.2 device driver manuals for full definitions of the responses, and to find |
| the actual command format for your GPIB driver library. |
Commands |
Device CLear (DCL) | These commands clear the GPIB device interface and have the following effects: |
and Selected Device | All buffered messages waiting to be processed are cleared. |
Clear (SDC) | |
| All buffered data waiting to be read from the device is cleared. |
| Stop any pending actions. |
| For example, if a request for data has been sent, and the system is waiting for the |
| reading to be triggered, the system would wait until the reading has been pro- |
| vided before any further GPIB commands can be processed. The device clear |
| will clear the data request so further GPIB commands after the device clear has |
| completed can be actioned. |
| Typical device library calls are 488.1 'ibclr' and 488.2 'DevClear'. |
Device trigger (GET) | This command triggers a GPIB device. An action predefined by the setup of the |
| device being triggered will take place. On the ML2430A Series, the device trigger |
| provides a trigger of the type defined by the GTn commands previously sent and |
| a reading put into the output buffer for each display channel that is not OFF. In |
| Profile mode, the profile display for the selected channel only is output. |
| Typical device library calls are 488.1 'ibtrg' and 488.2 'Trigger'. |
Goto local (GTL) | This command forces the device out of remote mode and into local operation |
| mode. The local operation keys and menus are now available. |
| Typical device library calls are 488.1 'ibloc' and 488.2 'EnableLocal'. |
Interface clear (IFC) | This is part of the GPIB initialization and forces the board to the controller in |
| charge. |
| Typical device library calls are 488.1 'ibsic' and 488.2 'SendIFC'. |
Local lockout (LLO) | Sends the local lockout to all devices. The local lockout disables the 'LOCAL' key |
| on all the devices. |
| Typical device library calls are 488.1 'ibconfig' plus correct option and 488.2 |
| 'SendLLO'. |
Serial poll | This command will clear any SRQ's and read the status byte of the device. |
ML2430A OM | |