When the MA2499B Anritsu Sensor Adapter or the MA2497A HP Sensor Adapter are used, the input frequency should be set to 50 MHz irre- spective of the measurement frequency. Linearity correc- tion factors are not applied when the adapters are being used.

For greater accuracy, calibration factors are interpolated for settings that are between the calibration factor data provided in the sensor EEPROM. For example, if calibration factors exist for 1 and 2 GHz, then the calibration factor applied for 1.5 GHz will be a value mid- way between the two.

Sensor linearity adjustments for temperature are also interpolated; If the correction factor for 1.5 GHz at 25￿ C is 1 dB, and for 35￿ C is 1.1 dB, then at 30￿ C a value of 1.05 dB will be used.

Manual Set

Allows manual correction of sensor data either as a percentage or a fixed dB value. An input frequency is also required to allow the correct linearity correction factors to be applied.



You will see a live up- date of the Current Cal Factor only if that sen- sor is being used on a channel. For example: If you are editing the Cal Factor Frequency on Sensor B, but you only have channel 1 set to A and channel 2 off, you will not see the "Current Cal Factor" being updated.


User defined Cal Fac- tor tables are available for applications where user-supplied calibra- tion points are re- quired. Additional cal factor frequencies can be entered in a user ta- ble and used in con- junction with the factory table.





Most modern synthesized sources have a rear panel BNC connec- tor which outputs a voltage proportional to the synthesized fre- quency. The V/GHz is supplied to the rear panel input connector of the ML2430A Series. The SETUP submenu has controls for cus- tomizing the voltage and frequency relationship.

When the Cal Factor source is set to Frequency or manual, enter the input signal frequency in GHz or MHz. The correct sensor cali- bration factor is automatically interpolated and applied to the dis- played power reading.

Defines which calibration factor table is to be used. Can be set to Factory, table number 1-10, or Factory + table number. The maxi- mum number of tables available is displayed on the screen, and is never greater than 10. If a selected table has not been used before, the user will be prompted to CLEAR or PRESET the table, or can- cel the selection. If a table is CLEARED, all entries are cleared ex- cept for a single entry of 100% @ 50 MHz. If a table is PRESET - the factory defined calibration factor table is copied into the speci- fied user calibration factor table. The CLEARED or PRESET table is saved directly to the sensor. PRESET clears the ID string, while CLEAR leaves the ID string as currently set.

The number of tables available is defined by the frequency range of the sensor and the amount of factory calibration data stored.


Deletes the currently displayed table number.

ML2430A OM




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Image 35
Anritsu ML2430A operation manual Deletes the currently displayed table number