Remarks: Returns a number indicating the cal factor table, or combination of tables, being used by the selected sensor. Possible returned values are:

0 = factory default table

1 to 10 = user table being used

11 to 20 = factory table + user table being used


Valid cal factor table check


Syntax: CFUVLD <s>,<table number>

s:A or B


number: 1 to number of tables supported by the sensor type

Remarks: Returns a TRUE if the table number passed is a valid initialized table for the selected sensor. Returns a FALSE if it is not.


Current cal factor value


Syntax: CFVAL <s>

s:A or B

Remarks: Returns the cal factor value currently being used for the specified sensor. This will be a fixed value only when in MANUAL cal factor mode, otherwise the value will depend on the frequency entered when cal source is FREQUENCY and the scaled frequency when the cal source is V/GHz.

CFVAL will not return the updated Cal Factor Value if the system is in TR0 Trigger Hold mode. That is, if you change the Cal Factor Frequency and want to read back what the unit has set the Cal Factor to when the system is in TR0 mode, the system will return the last Cal Factor value before you went into TR0 mode.

Also, you may have to wait for approximately 0.25 seconds after you change the Cal Factor Frequency to read back the Cal Factor Value even when not in TR0, as CFVAL is not updated instantly after you change the Cal Factor Frequency.

This restriction only applies to the CFVAL GPIB command and does not effect any measurement taken. If you are in TR0 mode, change the Cal Factor Frequency, and then take a measurement the Cal factor will be cal- culated correctly.


Commands: CFSRC, CFFRQ

ML2430A OM




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Anritsu ML2430A operation manual Cfuvld, Cfval