String: DCONT <val>
DCONTD Set display contrast down by one | DISPLAY |
Syntax: DCONTD
Remarks: Make the display lighter by lowering the contrast by one level.
DCONTU Set display contrast up by one | DISPLAY |
Syntax: DCONTU
Remarks: Make the display darker by increasing the contrast by one level.
DISP | Display On or OFF | DISPLAY |
Syntax: DISP <state>
state: ON or OFF
Remarks: When using GPIB measurement, speed can be increased by not updating the display. This command turns off the display and writes
REMOTE across the screen. If the LOCAL soft key is pressed, the system reverts to DISP ON. The restrictions of this mode are:
1.Min max values read via the GPIB are not updated.
2.Relative operation is ignored so that the normal value is given.
3.DISP will not operate when sent via RS232.
Query: DISP?
String: DISP <state>
DPEAK | Peak meter display | DISPLAY |
Syntax: DPEAK <mode>
mode: A B A&B
Remarks: Turns the peak meter display on or off for each channel.
A = Sensor A only
ML2430A OM | |