Manual uses the CFCAL number itself.
VGHz takes the frequency from the V/GHz input and uses it to look up the calibration factor from the EEPROM in the sensor.
Commands: CFVAL
Query: CFSRC? <s>
String: CFSRC <s>,<source>
CFUADD Add an entry pair to a cal factor table | SENSOR |
Syntax: CFUADD <s>,<table number>,<frequency value>[units], <cal factor>,<cal factor units>
s:A or B
number: 1 to number of tables supported by the sensor type frequency
value: 10 kHz to 122 GHz cal factor: 0.07 to 150%
31.55 to
cal factor
units: %, PCT, DB, or DBM
Remarks: Adds an entry pair to a cal factor table. This only affects the copy of the cal factor table stored in the memory of the power meter. Cal factors entered with this command will be available for use by the DSP, but will NOT be saved to the sensor until a save command (CFUSAV) is executed. If the sensor is changed or power is lost before saving, all changes made since the last CFUSAV will be lost.
The user must ensure that the maximum number of cal factor data pairs entered into a table is not exceeded. Sensors with a maximum frequency of up to 40 GHz will hold 90 pairs, while sensors with a maximum fre- quency of 50 GHz will hold 110 pairs.
Commands: CFUSAV
CFUCT | Clear cal factor table | SENSOR |
Syntax: CFUCT <s>,<table number>
s:A or B
number: 1 to number of tables supported by the sensor type
ML2430A OM | |