HP438A (Hewlett-Packard)

ML4803 (Anritsu ML4803A Series)

Remarks: Set the GPIB emulation to emulate other types of power meters. This com- mand is available in any emulation mode, and resets the whole GPIB inter- face when the emulation mode is changed.

When selecting GPIB emulation modes, the instrument configures itself to the preset conditions of the instrument to be emulated. For example, when selecting HP 438A emulation, the front panel menus pass through the pre- sets for the HP 437B (which presets sensor A to dBm) then selects HP 438A emulation (which presets sensor A to Watts).


Enter command

Syntax: EN


Enter data for a cal factor table

Syntax: ET<table_number><freq_value><cal factor><terminator>


ble numbe 0 to 9 (F for factory table allowed when using to read a table) r:

freq value: cal factor entry frequency value cal factor: cal factor value in percentage terminator: EN to terminate and entry

EX to terminate table entries

Remarks: Since the ML2430A stores the cal factor table information in the sensor, this data must be saved to the sensor by using the ‘EX’ command or an additional command ‘SV’, or the data could be lost. The saving of the cal factor table data to the sensor can be done at the end of all updates to a particular table.


Exit cal factor table mode

Syntax: EX

Remarks: Used on the ML2430A to force a save of the cal factor table to the sensor if the data has changed.


ML2430A OM



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Anritsu ML2430A operation manual Syntax EN, Syntax EX