Remarks: Clears the cal factor table to one entry for 50 MHz at 100%, but does not clear the identity of the table. The cleared table is automatically saved to the sensor.
CFUID | Cal factor table identity update | SENSOR |
Syntax: CFUID <s>,<table number>,<identity>
s:A or B
number: 1 to number of tables supported by the sensor type
identity: Seven characters or until a message terminator will be read as the identity.
Remarks: Updates the seven character identity string. This only affects the copy of the cal factor table stored in the memory of the power meter. To take affect and not be lost, the table must be saved to the sensor using the CFUSAV command.
Query: CFUID? <s>,<table number>
String: CFUID <s>,<table number>,<identity>
CFUNITS Cal factor display units | SENSOR |
Syntax: CFUNITS <s>,<units>
s:A or B
units: % or PCT dB or dBm
Remarks: This command changes the display units of the calfactors between either dB or pecentage. Note that this will also set the form the data is output over the GPIB (or RS232) when requested.
Query: CFUNITS? <s>
String: CFUNITS <s>,<units>
CFULD | Cal factor table binary load | SENSOR |
Syntax: CFULD <s>,<table number>,<length>,<binary data>
s:A or B
number: 1 to number of tables supported by the sensor type length: Length of message in bytes
ML2430A OM | |