Installing Applications Into a SunFSD Target Directory
If an application’s installation program fails to install to a
For example, Corel WordPerfect Office 2000 uses a default destination directory of WordPerfect Office 2000. If this destination directory resides on a SunFSD drive, there is a portion of the installation program that attempts to use 8.3 file names. Thus, there is a resulting dialog box that states that the file Q:WordPerfect cannot be found. The embedded space, combined with the fact that SunFSD does not support 8.3 file names, confuses the installation program.
However, if the destination directory is changed so that there are no embedded spaces, for example change WordPerfect Office 2000 to WordPerfect_Office_2000, the installation proceeds normally.
Even though the file name is longer than eight characters, since this is a more recent application, longer file names are allowed. It is the fact that the installation procedure makes use of older technology that causes the issue.
Missing Network Icon on Windows Desktop Issue
Note – This section applies only to virtual Ethernet networking configurations. It does not apply to physical Ethernet connections.
When you open the Network Neighborhood on the Microsoft Windows desktop, the Network Neighborhood window does not show “My Workstation”. Your Sun system and the SunPCi III card share the same network interface, so they do not “see” each other on the network. Both can communicate with the network, however.
For more information about networking your Sun system with your SunPCi III host using virtual networking, refer to “Setting Up Networking With SunPCi III Hardware and Software” on page 33.
Appendix A Troubleshooting 175