Color Depth Issues with Linux and the System Monitor
When using the system monitor, the color depth used on your SunPCi Linux desktop depends on the following:
■The color depths available on your Solaris desktop
■The XserverOptions in the Linux section of your SunPC.ini file
The color depth on your system monitor for your Linux application depends on the supported color depths on your Solaris X server. Upon installation of Linux, the depth automatically defaults to the depth existing in Solaris if no depth options were provided in the .ini file for SunPCi. For example, if the Solaris desktop supported
The current release of the Linux GNOME software contains an issue whereby an X client that creates an
If the root window of the Linux desktop is a
SunPCi software adds the option
Note – If the Solaris X server supports only
Tip – Some Linux applications do not operate properly using