C H A P T E R 6
Using Windows 2000 Professional or Windows 2000 Server
This chapter describes how to install and configure Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional and Microsoft Windows 2000 Server Edition operating system software for use with the SunPCi III product.
This chapter includes the following topics:
■“Installing Windows 2000” on page 56
■“Upgrading Windows NT to Windows 2000” on page 58
■“Upgrading Windows NT4 WS to Windows 2000 Professional” on page 59
■“Upgrading Windows NT4 Server or Windows NT4 TS to Windows 2000 Server” on page 60
■“Configuring Virtual Ethernet Networking for Windows 2000” on page 62
This chapter includes instructions for completing the following tasks:
■“How to Perform a Custom Installation” on page 56
■“How to Upgrade Windows NT4 WS to Windows 2000 Professional” on page 59
■“How to Upgrade Windows NT4 Server or Windows NT4 TS to Windows 2000 Server” on page 61
■“How to Add a Virtual Network Adapter” on page 63
■“How to Configure the Network for Windows 2000” on page 65
■“How to Reconfigure the Network Adapter for Physical Ethernet” on page 66
■“How to Prepare Windows 2000 to Display External Video” on page 67
■“How to Configure Windows 2000 for External Video Use” on page 68
■“How to Switch External Video Back to the System Monitor” on page 69
■“How to Configure the MouseKeys Accessibility Option” on page 69
Throughout this chapter, Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional is referred to as Windows 2000 Professional, and Microsoft Windows 2000 Server Edition is referred to as Windows 2000 Server. Windows 2000 refers to both operating systems.