158 SunPCi III 3.2.1 Users Guide March 2004
Cannot Eject CD From Solaris When Mounted
Through Linux
In Red Hat Linux 9, you cannot eject a CD using Solaris software once the CD is
mounted by Linux.
Toeject the CD using Solaris by pressing the Meta-E key combination, you must first
unmount the CD in Linux. Ejecting the CD using Linux will also unmount the CD
prior to ejecting it.
For best results, only eject a CD mounted in Linux from within the Linux window.
USB Keyboards and Mice Only Work With
External Monitor
In Red Hat Linux 9, when running Linux on a system monitor,USB keyboards and
mice do not function properly because all input is handled by the local X server,not
by real or emulated devices attached to the SunPCi card. Touse input devices
directly attached to the SunPCi card, you must use the external monitor.
Specify the X Input Method for Num Lock and
Caps Lock to Work Properly in GNOME
In GNOME in Red Hat Linux 9, when typing in various fields, such as in the
GNOME terminal, calculator,and various dialog boxes, the Num Lock and Caps
Lock keys might not work properly.
Towork properly for each application, right-click and change the Input Method
from “Default” to “X Input Method.” Youhave to make this update within each
This issue only applies to the GNOME applications and the gdmgreeter login
screen running on the system monitor.This issue does not apply to the KDE
application, standard X applications (such as xterm), or any applications running
on external monitors.