C H A P T E R 1
Introducing SunPCi III 3.2.1
Hardware and Software
The SunPCi III 3.2.1 hardware and software create a personal computer (PC) that is integrated into your PCI Sun system, which is running a supported Solaris operating environment. You work on the PC either from a Common Desktop Environment (CDE) or GNOME on the Solaris desktop or from a separate monitor connected to the SunPCi III card. With the SunPCi III 3.2.1 product, you can create emulated drives up to 40 Gbytes in size.
This chapter contains the following topics:
■“Supported Microsoft Windows and Linux Operating Systems” on page 1
■“SunPCi III 3.2.1 Features” on page 2
■“Supported Citrix MetaFrame Software” on page 4
■“Getting Help for SunPCi III Software” on page 5
■“Getting Help for Microsoft Windows and Linux Software” on page 6
■“Viewing the Documentation PDF Files” on page 6
■“Removing Microsoft Windows Software” on page 7
This chapter includes instructions for completing the following tasks:
■“How to View Solaris Manual Pages” on page 5
Supported Microsoft Windows and
Linux Operating Systems
The SunPCi III 3.2.1 product supports the following Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems and Service Packs:
■Microsoft Windows XP Professional (Windows XP Professional) Service Pack 1a
■Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional (Windows 2000 Professional) Service Pack 4