KBTYPE Value | Keyboard Language |
la | Latin American |
| Spanish |
nl | Dutch (Netherlands) |
no | Norwegian |
po | Portuguese |
sf | Swiss French |
sg | Swiss German |
sp | Spanish |
su | Finnish |
sv | Swedish |
uk | U.K. English |
us | U.S. English |
zh | Chinese |
zh_TW | Chinese (Taiwan) |
KBCP Environment Variable Values
The KBCP environment variable specifies the keyboard code page. The code page specifies the characters set (accents, currency symbols, and so on) to be used with a keyboard. To set KBCP, refer to “How to Set an Environment Variable” on page 188. For more information about code pages and their functions, refer to “Code Page
Table” on page 190. lists the possible values for the KBCP environment variable.
KBCP Value | Description |
437 | United States code page |
850 | Multilingual code page, including all characters for most languages |
| of European, North American, and South American countries |
860 | Portuguese code page |
863 | Canadian French code page |
865 | Nordic code page, including all characters for the Norwegian and |
| Danish languages |
Appendix B SunPCi III International Support 187