The SunPCi III 3.2.1 User’s Guide provides setup and operation instructions for the SunPCi™ III software. Use this guide after you have installed your SunPCi III cards and the SunPCi III 3.2.1 software into your Sun system.
In addition, this guide explains how to install the following Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems for your SunPCi III cards:
■Microsoft Windows XP Professional
■Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional
■Microsoft Windows 2000 Server Edition
■Microsoft Windows Server 2003
■Red Hat Linux
Refer to the SunPCi III Quick Start Installation Guide for more information about installing cards and the SunPCi III 3.2.1 software.
Who Should Read This Book
This guide is intended for all users of the SunPCi III product. This guide provides the information you need to use the SunPCi III software with Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems.
The topics in this guide are explained with the