C H A P T E R 9
Installing and Configuring
Server Software
This chapter provides information about SunPCi server installation and configuration issues.
This chapter includes the following topic:
■“Using SunFSD for Mapping Between Solaris and Microsoft Windows” on page 96
This chapter includes instructions for completing the following tasks:
■“How to Enable SunFSD Mapping” on page 96
■“How to Disable SunFSD Mapping” on page 97
The following information is for installing and configuring the supported Microsoft Windows server products (Windows 2000 Server and Windows Server 2003) using the SunPCi III 3.2.1 software on the Solaris operating environment.
For advanced SunPCi III server support concerning SunPCi III memory, CPUs, and benchmark information, consult the SunPCi Web site:
Note – Due to naming conventions, mounting the
Note – SunFSD does not work with Linux. You must use NFS to access Solaris files.