system time The time designated by the Solaris operating environment when the SunPCi card is booted.
TAR File (Tape ARchive) A file containing archived data created by the UNIX tar program. The TAR program combines a group of files into a single file.
unformatted disk A disk that contains no file system or partitioning.
update (drivers) Terminology used when you update SunPCi drivers to a new version, while still using the same operating system, such as SunPCi 3.1 to SunPCi 3.2.
upgrade (drivers) Terminology used when you upgrade the current operating system from a previous version, such as Windows 2000 to Windows XP.
USB (Universal Serial Bus) An external bus standard that supports data transfer rates of 12 Mbps (USB 1.1) or 450 Mbps (USB 2.0). A single USB port can be used to connect up to 127 peripheral devices such as mice, modems, keyboards and printers.
virtual Ethernet Utility provided in the SunPCi software which allows users to use the internal networking driver (NDIS driver) in the SunPCi software and connect through their system’s Ethernet connection. See also physical Ethernet.
VGA (Video Graphics Array) A graphics display system for PC’s. In text mode, provides resolution of 720x400 pixels. In graphics mode, resolution is either 640x480
VNC (Virtual Network Computing) A customized version of the GNU Public- Licensed (GPL) software product from AT&T Laboratories that allows remote administration of the SunPCi product.