Because SunFSD does not support the SFN convention, some older Microsoft Windows applications that employ this convention sometimes fail to install correctly. Many recent applications do not rely on 8.3 file name conversion support in their file systems, and thus no issues arise.
Displaying Shortname Tails
On older Microsoft applications (such as in the DOS Command Prompt window), if file names are longer than eight characters, the file name might be truncated into the
8.3DOS file name format and a number added to the file name (such as ~1). This number is called a shortname tail. When reading long file names on extended drives in the DOS window or Windows Command Prompt, the window can only display shortname tails ending in the number 1. It cannot display ~2, ~3, and so on.
Note – The term “DOS session” refers to the Command Prompt window. It does not refer to OpenDOS windows running under OpenDOS 7.01.
Japanese Copy and Paste Issue
If you edited your $HOME/pc/SunPCi.ini file to support Japanese copy and paste functions, you may see the following error message: Warning, bad clipboard
translation codeset specified in SunPC.ini file: codeset. Ignoring.
This message indicates that there might be an error in the file that you edited. Refer to “How to Configure Japanese Copy and Paste Between Microsoft Windows and Solaris” on page 131 for more information.
Opening in Safe Mode Only Starts in External Monitor
When opening Windows XP Professional and Windows Server 2003 in Safe Mode when the external monitor is not connected, the operating system attempts to start in the external monitor. The internal monitor remains blank and Windows does not start in the internal monitor.
To fix this issue, connect and then use the external monitor.
This is a known issue and is currently under investigation.