Using Cards and Emulated Drives
Although an emulated drive must run on a SunPCi III card, the SunPCi III emulated drives are not forced to run on any particular card. By default any particular .ini file and its associated drive will start on any available card, and it is not possible to predict which card will be used. By default, SunPCi creates the SunPC.ini file during installation, which is located in the /pc directory on your system.
You can, however, start a drive and a specific card together. To do this, you need to identify the cards that are installed in your system.
▼How to Identify Card Names
●To identify the name of each installed card, type the following command:
The system displays the following information: the card’s name, the card’s device file name in the /dev directory, the card’s type, the card’s description, and the card’s ID or Ethernet (MAC) address.
What follows is sample output from a system with two cards installed.
Name = Card1
Device = /dev/sunpci3drv0
Type = SunPCi III
Description = SunPCi III card
ID = 08:00:20:F9:xx:xx
Name = Card2
Device = /dev/sunpci3drv3
Type = SunPCi III
Description = SunPCi III card
ID = 08:00:20:E7:xx:xx
Note – Instead of the ID message you could get the Card In Use message if one of the cards is already running.
Chapter 3 Using Multiple SunPCi III Cards 25