use any one selecting with << and >> button.
By clicking a point on the navigation image, coordinate of the specified point is calculated and stage is driven so as the point comes to the center of field of view.
The Need Refresh indication is green when the present selected image is effective, and is blinks red when ineffective.
The navigation image becomes ineffective when any one of the R, T or Z axes of the stage, the accelerating voltage or the lens mode is changed.
To delete navigation images, select a image with << and >> button and click the Delete button.
Use navigation image with magnification lower than x5000. Capturing of higher magnification image will be canceled.
Images captured at Low Magnification mode can be used for navigation at High Magnification mode. However, the Low Mag Alignment shall be precisely adjusted to keep navigation accuracy.
(2) Using imported images
Select Import at Capture / Import selection.
Picture files of windows bitmap (.bmp), Tiff (.tif) or JPEG (.jpg) format can be loaded as imported images. Up to 10 images ca be imported.
The pictures shall have correct aspect ratio and not be miler inverted or flipped. Also it is recommended that the picture direction coincide with the specimen direction (looking from specimen exchange chamber side).
To import an image, click the Import button. Select a file in the opening file selection dialog window.
(3) Alignment operation
To use imported images for navigation, alignment operation is necessary.
Select two alignment points on a navigation image. These two points shall be separated left – right or Upper – lower side of the image center.
A message [Move a remarkable object to the center of image and click 1st button, click the position in the navigation image corresponding to the remarkable object by mouse.] will be shown. Close the message by OK button. Adjust stage so as the object comes to
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