Set the APT HEATER switch to AUTO.
(6)For ion pumps vacuum recovery, usually half to one day is necessary. (it is shorter when short period power down)
Check ion pump vacuum after waiting above time. If it is degraded than the following value, gun baking operation is necessary.
IP1 : 2 ×
IP2 : 2 ×
IP3 : 5 ×
(7)After recovery of ion pump and specimen chamber vacuum you may start image observation. Supply cooling water or start water circulator before starting Display power.
If the water circulator is linked with SEM power, it will be started when the Display power turned ON.
4.8Operation when power line failure recovered
Use the same steps as above 4.6.
4.9Operation when Water supply stopped by failure
When cooling water stops while the Display power is ON,
No operation is necessary for evacuation system.
You may start operation when water supply is recovered.