SELECT block
Signal select box
Right half image Signal select box
Signal addition indicator
SE detector selection
Signal control tools
GW BSE control button
BSE ratio selection box
(1) Signal select box
Selects image signal for Full and Small screen mode and the A image of Dual screen mode.
(2) Right half image Signal select box
Selects image signal for the B image of Dual screen mode and the right half image of Split / Dual mag mode.
(3) Signal addition indicator
Controls adding two signals selected above Signal select boxes on the Dual screen mode. When you click the left side indicator, it becomes green color and the mixed of the two signals is displayed on the left (A) screen. If click the right side indicator, the mixed signal is displayed on the right (B) screen. The signal addition is effective only on the Dual screen mode.
(4) SE detector selection
Refer to <3.5.1 SE detector>
(5) Signal Control tools
Ratio of SE and BSE included in the upper detector output signal is controllable with the tools. When SE is selected, observing image will be of pure SE signal.
When +BSE is selected, amount of BSE signal is controlled by BSE ratio selection box. Select a ratio from the pull down list clicking the arrow button. Low angle BSE will be detected with L.A0 to L.A100. With larger number, amount of SE is suppressed and results BSE richer image. H.A results high angle BSE image.
Refer to < Signal Control>
(6) GW BSE control (option)
Opens control dialog window for GW type BSE detector.
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