
P330 Profile Record

Records profiles for later viewing.

Primary Index

Echo profile








no record






automatically recorded profile from Transducer One




automatically recorded profile from Transducer Two








manually recorded profile from Transducer One






manually recorded profile from Transducer Two




In addition to being a profile records library, this provides two functions:

manually records and saves echo profiles

displays an echo profile, recorded manually or automatically

To select a record address

1.Enter PROGRAM mode and press DISPLAY twice to highlight the index field. The field shows two underscores _ _.

2.Type the index number. The profile record information is shown.

3.Use ARROWS to scroll through the records.

To manually record a profile


to fire the transducer and record the echo profile into the

internal buffer for display.


MultiRanger 100 and MultiRanger 200 Features

To save a manual record

Press ENTER to copy the echo profile record in the buffer and save it in the selected address in the record library. The parameter value field displays the new record information.

To display a record

Press key to enter display auxiliary mode and then:

Press TRANSDUCER to copy the current echo profile into the buffer for display on Dolphin Plus

To delete a record

Press CLEAR and then ENTER to delete the echo profile record in the selected address. The value returns to - - - -.

Page 160

MultiRanger 100/200 – INSTRUCTION MANUAL


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Image 170
Siemens 200 instruction manual P330 Profile Record, Code Description