Chapter 7 VPIM Networking
Procedures for Setting Up Cisco Unity to Use VPIM Networking
•When a subscriber leaves the organization or otherwise no longer needs a Cisco Unity account, you can delete the subscriber account. See the “Deleting VPIM Subscribers” section on page
Customizing VPIM Subscriber Directory Update Settings
In addition to manually creating, modifying, and deleting VPIM subscribers, you can configure Cisco Unity to automatically update records in the VPIM subscriber directory based on information contained in incoming VPIM messages. The settings that control whether or not the creation, modification, and deletion actions occur automatically, and how the incoming information is used to create or modify a record, can be individually configured for each delivery location. By default, no automatic directory updates will occur for any VPIM delivery locations.
Depending on the Subscriber Creation settings you choose for each delivery location, Cisco Unity will use information either from the header of an incoming VPIM message, or from a vCard attachment included with the message (if more than one vCard attachment is included, only the vCard in the most recent portion of the message will be used). If a VPIM message is received from a sender on a delivery location that is configured to allow automatic VPIM subscriber creation, and no existing VPIM subscriber matches the information of the sender, a new VPIM subscriber record will be created, provided that the VPIM message contains:
•a phone number
•a text name
•a domain name
•a recorded voice name (when required, based on the delivery location configuration)
Additional Subscriber Creation settings on the Delivery Location page allow you to specify which template to use when creating VPIM subscribers, how to map the parsed text name of the VPIM subscriber to a first name, last name, and display name, and how to map the phone number to an extension.
If a VPIM message is received from a sender on a delivery location that is configured to allow automatic VPIM subscriber modification, and an existing VPIM subscriber matches the sender information, the VPIM subscriber may be updated. You can choose whether VPIM subscriber information is updated each time a message is received from a VPIM subscriber, or only when a message is received from a VPIM subscriber whose text name has changed since the directory entry was created. You can also decide whether or not to allow an update to the display name when a modification is made.
If a message from a Cisco Unity subscriber to a VPIM subscriber results in a
For additional information on how Cisco Unity uses the information from incoming VPIM messages and NDRs to create, modify, and delete VPIM subscribers, see the “Automatic VPIM Subscriber Directory Updates” section on page
You can update the VPIM delivery location subscriber creation settings by using the Cisco Unity Administrator or the Cisco Unity Bulk Location Import wizard. See the following sections:
•Before Configuring VPIM Subscriber Creation Settings, page
•Using the Cisco Unity Administrator to Configure VPIM Subscriber Creation Settings, page
•Using the Cisco Unity Bulk Import Wizard to Configure VPIM Subscriber Creation Settings, page
| Networking Guide for Cisco Unity Release 5.x (With Microsoft Exchange) |